People don't live in the suburbs, do they?
I hope today's strip has taught everyone a lesson: There's traffic in the suburbs, too! I know, I know, you're all shocked. But nobody would go to a movie in the suburbs on what's probably a weekend night! you think.
Dear reader, I know. It's almost as though people who live in the suburbs for some reason don't want to trek down into the closest city to see a movie. I don't understand it either.
I also don't really understand where Lula and Alf live. Is this some sort of artsy film they want to see? Otherwise, why do they have to drive a half hour to see a movie? If they live close enough to a "downtown," they should probably be closer than a half hour from a movie theater. Although I suppose traffic (particular the traffic on Long Island, where Jericho, NY, is located)could add up.
But really, in general, why would anyone think, ever, that a movie theater in the suburbs would be empty? Has this person ever been to the 'burbs?
Actually, the real question is why is everyone still standing in line when the "Sold out" sign is up. I refuse to believe that more than just the one movie ("Purple Love"?) is playing. Look at the marquee!