To catch a thief Is the police brutality in the top panel of today's strip a first? Al did a good job in qualifying it with "wild, resisting villain," but at that, it looks like the cop is just beating the thief about the head with a billy club for no apparent reason. I can't believe that that's the most effective way to subdue someone. (I'd suggest a taser, but don't want to get into that debate again.) Anyway, I always assumed that the way people are put into the police cars is just a continuation of making sure the person doesn't make any sudden movements. Part of it might be to avoid the person bumping his or her head, but part of it was a control issue. I thought, anyway. And really, should we be rooting for the suspect to become even more injured?
Labels: huh?
I've seen this joke done before by at least three stand-up comedians. Sounds like someone is an 'observor' of Comedy Central.
Either that, or Rudy Giuliani under an alias.
Shoot you later! 9/11
Seinfeld #602, "The Big Salad," 9/29/1994:
"And how come when the police catch some really bad criminal or something they put him in the handcuffs, they hit him with the baton, they put the choke hold on him, then they're always careful they don't want him to hurt his head when they're putting him in the back of the patrol car. 'Watch your head, watch your head. Don't hit that metal edge there. . . . That REALLY hurts.'"
Notice the revolver the criminal is getting. He's lucky the Chief of Police (by the looks of it) and his pal aren't giving him more than a wack with a billy club!
And what's this "cover" on the criminal's head in the second panel? There isn't one. What Al *meant* to say, I guess, is that they tell you to watch your head as you get in the car.
Ah well, still pretty funny.
Notice the revolver the criminal is getting. He's lucky the Chief of Police (by the looks of it) and his pal aren't giving him more than a wack with a billy club!
And what's this "cover" on the criminal's head in the second panel? There isn't one. What Al *meant* to say, I guess, is that they tell you to watch your head as you get in the car.
Ah well, still pretty funny.
Crap, double post.
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