Wednesday, January 17, 2007

And why is that red rag so emphasized in both panels?

Well, that was a bold move of Dragbutt in today's strip: buy a cordless phone! And those wacky, wacky cordless phones--so easy to lose! (I'll ignore the fact that the base of most, if not all, cordless phones have a button to push so the handset beeps, letting you know where it is.) Wow, this sure is cutting-edge humor! Oh, wait. It's not 1987? Hmm. That puts a damper on things. I mean, even the updated version of this (Kid with cell phone: "I lose it all the time! If only there was a phone with a cord, so I wouldn't lose my phone!") is old.

And I know I've seen it before in this strip, but no child would ever say anything like, "Oh, Mommy--What Papa said!" What Al is looking for is, "Did you hear what Dad said?!" And really, Dragbutt has some anger management issues if he gets that upset about being unable to find the phone. It doesn't even seem like it's ringing, so really, he could just use a phone with a cord.

I'd suggest that Mrs. Dragbutt and Dragbutt Jr. get out while the getting's good.

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At 3:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure that no one ever said, "Oh Mommy, what Pappa said" even back in the 1946-1954 era in which Scaduto seems to be permanently stuck. Do you suppose Scaduto has been in a fallout shelter since the mid-50's and honestly has no clue as to what's hep lingo?

At 3:55 PM, Blogger Marc P. said...

Here's an idea...this new fangled machine that Casio is coming out with in a few years...1970's I's called an ANSWERING MACHINE! I love Eisenhower era comedy!

At 4:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was too distracted by "How-w-w-w wrong" I was to actually bother being worried about Al's inability to comprehend technology.

Is it pronounced "How wow wow wow wow?" This bothers me.

At 10:50 PM, Blogger Kaitou Jeanne said...

The guy didn't have to remove his old phone system though, right? Was that new-fangled phone technology so
modern that he figured to do without?
It's almost like having only one phone in his whole house.

It's a bit of a stretch, but a neighbour of mine got so charmed by unbreakable plastic things that
could be used as windows.
He figured it'd be good against vandals or his kids breaking glass
from baseballs and stuff,
but in the end took them out in case of fire.

At 12:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To be fair, Mr. Howell did say "What you said, Lovey!" on gilligan's Island.


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