Thursday, October 18, 2007

Congrats, Fifi--you got your own tag!

So the premise of today's strip is that if a couple only goes out to eat once a month and eats very casually at home...they should have low expectations? Honestly, if I only go out to eat once a month, I want it to be nice. And waiter, rolling your eyes if I complain about wilted lettuce is not going to help your tip. I also wouldn't be happy with lukewarm water and dirty napkins. Most of these aren't unreasonable complaints! It really shouldn't matter how people eat at home; if the people at the next table eat off their fine china every night, but have similar complaints, are those valid? Fifi sure does seem to have an issue with messy people. Particularly people who are messy in private, but want things neat in public. I don't really consider that hypocrisy, but it sure does piss Fifi off.

Also, what does "live like they're camping out" even mean? They only have hot dogs, hamburgers, and smores to eat? They sleep in sleeping bags on the floor? They need to leave the house to use a bathroom?

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At 1:52 PM, Blogger Kaitlyn said...

Right now, I keep my bread in a plastic bin (I saw 2 rats outside, taking no chances - I know what squirrels do!) and I have a box full of plastic forks, spoons, and knives.

That feels like camping to me, and makes me want to go camping, because at least at camp, I can have my dogs!

And there's no homework.

Fifi worries me.

At 1:54 PM, Blogger Kaitlyn said...

As for the bathroom - some of the dorms - the older ones - have floor bathrooms.

Mine does not - sink in room, and you share toilet and shower with the people next door - they call it a suite.

Much better than camp, what with the walk down hill at midnight!

Though my aunt drove once...

At 12:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Camping out my ass! If I go to eat at a restaurant I want my utensils to be clean. I happen to live in an RV which to some would be considered "camping out", but we do have manners. Ewwww, it looks like they're eating in a dirty cafeteria.

At 3:17 AM, Blogger Michael Foley said...

That fork is bent at a 45-degree angle! I'd complain too. It even attracted Alan Greenspan's attention in the background.

Every night before I go to bed, I put all my food into a bear bag and hang it from the ceiling. Say what you will about living like you're camping out, but damned if I haven't seen any bears inside my apartment.

At 2:25 PM, Blogger Cedar said...

I just got back from a week of camping, so I think maybe the strip refers to eating a lot of gross, highly processed food? It was hard to find fresh fruits and vegetables when we were miles away from any reasonably sized city (we did our shopping at gas stations), and we ate a lot of velveeta mac and cheese and canned soup.


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