Monday, October 15, 2007

Fondue is food, not a name

I'm really impressed with Fondue in today's strip--he appears to have landed an airplane into some sort of blue void. Is there an airport there? Similarly, what in the world is that on the table in the kitchen? Is that lemonade coming out of the mug? What's in the green container, relish? Mysteries abound.

I'm not sure how this situation leads to the conclusion that one is "losing it." It does make one pause that this guy can fly a plane but can't work a microwave...particularly if it's a microwave the family has had for any period of time. Some of them are confusing, but if this isn't the first time or two that Fondue has tried to heat something up, then he gets no sympathy. But hey, I'd rather he be really good at flying planes than operating a microwave, quite frankly.

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At 3:41 AM, Blogger Michael Foley said...

This is really creepy. The pilot, obviously in mid-flight, claims that he just made a landing (I'm convinced the copilot is humoring him before he quietly takes the controls).

Then he can't operate his own microwave, one of the simplest devices in the house, scaring the bejeezus out of his family.

And, surprise surprise, there's a bottle of Tanqueray next to the mustard.


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