Thursday, October 11, 2007

Artwork on vacation

Sorry for the absence yesterday. I returned to my office and turned on my computer...which promptly went "Pop" and started emitting a foul odor. Needless to say, it was not long for this world. I didn't get another one until 4, then had class, then had to do work at home! Fun! Anyway.

OK, I know that I've been away too long when I actually find the name "Pablum Pistachio" in today's strip to be somewhat endearing. However, I've fallen into the trap of actually remembering that the strip is called "They'll Do It Every Time" (emphasis mine, obviously), and I can't believe that every artist and every person who advocates a clutter-free lifestyle is actually a slob--possibly to the point of having some sort of psychiatric problem with hoarding. I do love Al's take on art, though. Always a good time.

Yesterday's strip offers a take on travel. The whole thing is intriguing. Mr. Annoya (why not Annoyia again, Al?) clearly has been hearing about Palm City for ages. He doesn't look even a little excited to go. Does he know what he's in for? And do women really insist that their husbands come shopping with them? I hate shopping with other people (most of the time). Unless she thinks he'll spend the entire time on the beach leering at nubile young women? Actually, that's a possibility. Feel free to speculate about the story of that mother and her son in the front of the panel--he looks quite displeased, and she looks upset. Maybe she just told him that she and his father are getting divorced. Any other theories?

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At 2:34 AM, Blogger Michael Foley said...

Good guess, but that's actually not her son. She's holding a gun against him and leading him away for ransom. "Keep walking, rich boy, and don't look suspicious."


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