Thursday, November 01, 2007

Not surprised it was submitted by a Texan

Today's strip encapsulates one of the things that bothers me most about football--how the last few minutes take forever. I admit that I don't like football; I'm a baseball girl. And while baseball games aren't exactly quick, either, there's no clock telling me how long it takes to get through three minutes of play. The lack of a clock is one of the things that I love about baseball. Anyway. You'd think that Drusella would've realized by this point in her life that the typical football game is going to run about three hours. The bottom panel just doesn't bode well for either Dru or Dragbutt--she's clearly pissed off and he...good Lord. It's another case where I debated whether to use the "abusive husband" tag because he is just losing it. I'm guessing that it's a close game and so he's tense (if it's not close, he should just miss the end of the game to eat dinner), but that doesn't excuse the expletive-filled tirade.

I really can't figure out how Al feels here; the "and don't try to explain" kind of throws me off. I admit that Dru clearly isn't the brightest if she still hasn't grasped the basics of football when her husband is clearly a big fan...but is that supposed to excuse how Dragbutt reacts? I'm thinking that if he had just looked a bit exasperated, I might've been more sympathetic. But it's not happening today.

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At 3:47 PM, Blogger Cedar said...

I don't get his "oh what's the use" in the bottom panel? Like, what's the use in trying to explain to his wife? Or what's the use in still watching? He looks as if he's getting up out of the chair.

At 4:31 PM, Blogger Kaitlyn said...

I don't understand why he couldn't eat during the game - if something awesome/horrible happens, they'll show it again and again.

I adore baseball and loathe football - football's on Sunday afternoon, and "scheduled" to be over before the new King of the Hill/Simpsons, but nooo...

Baseball - nothing scheduled for that night, nothing but baseball.

Barb - sorry about the Orioles. I'm a fan of the Os in that I'm a fan of the Sox and whoever the Yankees are playing.

The Sox swept the series... so cool...

I do love baseball. (The uniform and players are cuter than in football.) And I always understand baseball - mom explains football over and over again and I'm asking the same questions EVERY time.

At 4:51 PM, Blogger Scott H. said...

Dave Berg did the same gag in "The Lighter Side of..." about 25 years ago. Oh, yeah-h-h-h...

At 11:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was married to a sports fanatic and had three sons. Here's the deal. The food's ready. Eat it when you feel like it. By the way, he is my ex-husband.

At 12:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Confession: My wife and son have learned that it's STFU time in the waning moments of a close game that I care about. Luckily, they've both become fans over the years.

At 3:18 PM, Blogger Michael Foley said...

He's clearly winding up to hit her. Break out the "abusive husband" tag!


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