But does she have the urge to scream?
I admit that today's strip made me all warm and fuzzy--it was submitted by a teenager! There's hope that TDIET will live on. I don't care if she's reading it ironically, it still makes me happy. Not that Loopina looks like a teenager in the strip; maybe a tweener. The bow in her hair reminds me of the year (fifth grade, maybe?) that I wore a headband every day. Good times.
I guess the moral is that Loopina's mom is crazy. Look at all Loopie has to do in the top panel--she's lugging a huge box, there's a broom behind her and other boxes and piles all around. This seems like a major project. Is she cleaning out the garage or something? Why is her dad just sitting around? (Oh, right. Because he doesn't have to worry about cleaning, or intervening on behalf of his daughter.) Are the two jobs comparable at all? Is this something that happens often?
Yeah, Loopina's mom sucks. OK.
I will say this one made me smile, and it actually is something that happened to me, but it's original. Maybe all this young blood will revive the strip.
The father looks scared out of his mind. No way he's going to stand up for Loopina, unless it's passive-aggressively.
This happened to me as a kid, too. Constantly. In fact through most of life getting things done quickly is a bad thing because, no matter how well you do them, people will suspect you cut corners. Average people just cannot think that somebody would be able to do something as well or better than them in way less time.
I should resubmit this idea to Scaduto, just changing it from a mother-daughter situation to a husband-wife situation. Bet he'd print it again, the lazy dog.
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