Monday, October 29, 2007

They didn't even mention the dinner at 4 that afternoon

I can certainly see the truth in today's strip, though it's hardly something that happens every time. My grandmother moved into a retirement community (though one not far from where she lived her entire life; she didn't move away) and seriously, folks, she is busy all the time. Card clubs, trips to Ocean City, etc., etc. She has a bunch of friends and they're always doing stuff. I'm convinced that for her, it's like college without the hassle of having to go to class and worry about what to do with your life. On the other hand, my other grandmother moved into a similar community, and really doesn't like it. So. Does happen, but not every time.

I've decided that Gram and Gramp moved down from Baltimore, judging solely from the "Hon" in the top panel. Also, my grandmother is from Baltimore, and I call her Gram. But can anyone tell me what a Jazzaria is? All I can think of is a cafeteria where you jazzercise.

Yes, old people can have fun too. But why shouldn't their kids be upset? Gram and Gramps are clearly moving far away, and the kids are worried about their welfare. Oh no! The horror!

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At 6:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Barb - I know you don't comment on the Sunday strips, but I reckon the "urge" on Sunday was the best ever - to "cafe latte her to the moon" - excellent.


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