Wednesday, June 20, 2007

It's to fight the earth warming trend

I was about to wonder whether the idea for today's strip was submitted, say, 15 years ago. I clearly remember bringing in recycleables to the grocery store for the money. Then I glanced at the submitter, and realized that the issue isn't when but where. When I was recycling like that, I lived in Connecticut. So I guess it's a CT thing. And yes, there were numerous times that the machine would be full. However, the light was already on, so it's not like you would actually put your cans/bottles/whatever into the machine without knowing that it was a futile effort.

And yes, while this is annoying, I can't help but fault Nudnik. Maybe he should try bringing in his empty bottles and cans more frequently; then he wouldn't have to cart those boxes around, only to find that it was a wasted effort. Also, if this happens every time, maybe he should just go to a different store where the recycling machines are more reliable.

I should also note that the best part about those machines (other than getting cash) is the very satisfying crunch when you put the bottles in. Excellent.

On a side note, I've been called out of town on business, and won't be around tomorrow or Friday. My apologies. Feel free to comment on those strips here, though.

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At 12:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oi vey! What a nudnik!

At 2:27 PM, Blogger Scott H. said...

Nudnik also shows up at popular restaurants without a reservation, but does the waiter have a table for him? Oh, yea-h-h...

And I remember the crunching recycling machines from when I lived in Connecticut as well. Now all I get is the occasional shattering bottle when I toss it into the big bin at the city recycling center.

At 2:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I sympathize with Nudnek. I live in upstate NY and the bottle return machines (5 cents a bottle that we paid) are constantly broken. Should I go to a different store? Maybe, but I like to shop there for the affordable groceries, and according to the sign above the bottle return machines, I'm only allowed to return the bottles at the store where I bought them.

At 5:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Argh. What I really can't stand is when the machine spits out a little card entitling you to credit at the store instead of cold, hard, cash.

At 5:23 PM, Blogger Mike Podgor said...

I love the post script for this strip. Mainly, the fact that it has a post script.

At 7:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll admit I first thought this strip had a rather limited, regional appeal due to the mention of can/bottle return machines.

You guys should live in the just toss the cans and bottles into a curbside container or drop them off at one of the big municipal that Dave referred to. Or if you're too lazy to do that, just do like a lot of people and toss 'em along the side of the road, where the prison chain gangs (in striped uniforms, no less) will graciously pick them up for you...

At 10:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here in Utah with have the curbside bins, too, but the glass crunching machine sounds too cool for words.

At 11:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the dumbest comic strip ever. I am sickly addicted to it.

At 3:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've noticed at least two references to "pure virgin olive oil"- today's (6/21/07) and this one:
I wonder if there's any significance to that?

At 2:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

6/22/07: "A savings?" "Gas-gulping?" Honestly, what planet is Scaduto from? :P

At 7:42 PM, Blogger Kaitlyn said...

He's from Earth, just the Southern hemisphere, in opposite land! (Their summer is our winter, and our summer is their winter.)

Today's comic must refer to New Zeland or Chile or the Falklands...

Who keeps the temperature in the house low to save money in June?

He could have made sense - Ragweed (warm weather allergen, dammit!) could keep the AC high and we'd see his wifey-poo and lil shaver (that is an old fogey term for kid, right?) sweating and wearing next to nothing, which would be terrifying, of course.


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