The urge to barf his bits. Ew.
Today's strip is one of those where I don't object to the overall message of the strip, but the execution just makes me say, "Come on!" The husband wants something called "Barf Bits"? Seriously? No. No company would ever sell that as a product for people to purchase and consume. I could see some company selling that as a gag (*rim shot*) gift, but that's it. No husband would be complaining that he couldn't eat his barf bits. No no no. And why does the mother look so upset in the top panel? Is it because she knows that her family is going to complain as soon as she gets back? If that's the case, then she should say, "OK, nobody has any suggestions. So don't complain when I get home and haven't bought the snack you like."
Interestingly, it seems the family is bothered that she got something similar to what they like, but not quite the right item. Either she doesn't know that Wheat Crums and Pistachio Wafers and Barf Bits are their favorites (doubtful), or she chose those possibly generic items to save money. Or she just enjoys pissing her family off, in which case, kudos to her. They seem like brats.
And really, it seems that they were all at home when she went shopping. They could've come along.
I like how we just have a "The urge." It's not "the urge to" do something specific. Just an urge.
Labels: family, food, Kids, stupid husband, supermarket, the urge to
I've gotta confess to this. When my wife does the shopping (I do it more than 50% of the time), she'll ask, and I won't make any specific requests. And then, yes, I'll mope in my passive-agressive way when we don't have anything I like in the pantry. So I gotta thank Al for shaming me; I'll try to be better about not doing that. It's a bad thing to do, but, psychologically, it's not so mysterious. Grocery-shopping is a chore, and if I'm not hungry, and I'm getting out of said chore, I'm not in the mood to list out all of the things I might find myself wanting later, I'm just grateful for getting out of the task. If I'd gone myself, I'd have brought back the goodies; heck, the stores count on those impulse buys! But you've gotta see it to remember that you're *going* to want it even if you don't want it right *now*.
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