Wednesday, May 30, 2007

At least the submitter isn't from Florida

I'm sorry. Are they kidding me with today's strip? Who cares if the doctor has old magazines in the waiting room as long as his practice is up-to-date? Though, really, judging from the not-surprising lack of computers in the office, I somehow doubt he's totally up-to-date, despite the jargon that Nurse Nulla is using. (And "internal dandruff elimination"? I get the feeling we're supposed to find stuff like that funny. Al? I don't.) But if we go strictly on the premise--the doctor is totally cutting edge, but only has old magazines in the waiting room--is that amusing? I guess. I'm just annoyed with the execution.

Also, I don't have much sympathy for people who come to a place where they pretty much know they'll have to sit around for a while and yet inexplicably don't bring along anything to do. Old magazines in the waiting room is pretty standard fodder for complaints. People know this will be an issue. The answer isn't to complain; it's to bring a book with you. Honestly, people it's not that hard.

I do admit that seeing 2001 and 2002 being acknowledged as a while ago threw me off a bit. Chances that Al initially wrote 1961 and 1962? Pretty good.

And a heads' up: I'm going out of town tomorrow, and probably won't get a chance to update again until Monday.

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At 9:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Though, really, judging from the not-surprising lack of computers in the office, I somehow doubt he's totally up-to-date..."

I doubt he's up-to-date by the UNIFORM Nurse Nulla is wearing. C'mon now, when's the last time you've seen a nurse in all white, much less in one of those goofy hats?

At 1:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm really confused by the first panel.

Why is Nurse Nulla holding the phone a foot away from her ear?

And why are there two people sitting directly in front of her, watching her talk on the phone?

At 9:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good catch, quacks! I guess that - along with a lack of cell phones, computers and women's liberation - there is no healthcare privacy in Al's world, either. Let's see...the privacy portion of HIPAA went into effect in 2003, so yes, that wouldn't exist in Al-land.


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