Friday, May 11, 2007

More on hospital visitors

Today's strip, not surprisingly, is set in a hospital. And submitted by someone from Florida, if you can believe it. I know! What are the odds?

The submitter does realize that it's not Nurse Nulla's fault he can't have visitors, right? I don't know why someone would be denied any visitors (quarantine?), but I'm pretty sure it's up to the doctors, not the nurses. And I doubt it's so the patient doesn't have to put up with small talk. Really, he broke his leg. I don't see how that precludes visitors.

As for the nurse herself, well, I have mixed feelings. On the one hand, dude, just tell her to leave. "I'd like to take a nap." "I want to read a book." "I think I hear someone calling for you." And so on. And really, she's only trying to keep the guy entertained. (And psst, Al? Walter Cronkite is no longer on the air.) So launch into a debate of whether Apolo Anton Ohno, Joey Fatone, or Laila Ali deserves to win Dancing with the Stars.

I do love "Whatta think of the awful world situation?" Al's getting political!

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At 4:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the awful world situation is deplorable.

At 4:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Walter Groinkite! I just had to say that. I'm surprised she didn't bring up "Earth warming."

At 11:27 PM, Blogger Andrea Karim said...

Please, please, please comment on the May 12th strip's grammar. It's hurting me.


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