Monday, May 07, 2007

Memory like an elephant

Today's strip raises an interesting question for me. The submitter chose to be "Pul-leeze no name, no address" because he knew that his wife would read the strip and recognize herself. Now, we know that Al is very good about giving the submitter a copy of the strip. In cases like this, does the submitter get a copy? He couldn't display it or anything. Sometimes a "No Name" submitter could still get one; those are the ones where the person is whining about a neighbor. But whining about a spouse? I can't imagine that the submitter could have the strip around.

Anyway. The strip itself. I don't understand why there's something noteworthy about a husband having a bad memory and a wife having a good one. I guess we're just supposed to think, "Yes, that is frequently the way it is!" And...I guess it kind of is. In most couples I know, the woman has a better memory than the husband. So, um, good job, anonymous submitter?

Except that this is much more about a nagging wife than a woman having a good memory. She retains all of Fignewt's transgressions (and those of his stuck-up sister, who, by the way, seem to be rampant in the TDIETverse). That still has nothing to do with Fignewt having a crappy memory. It would've been better if it had been something like "Migraina never remembers when Fignewt tells her important information [picture of Fignewt bringing home the Big Boss for dinner, while Migraina has nothing prepared], but when it comes to remembering something Fignewt did wrong, heh heh, need I say more? Ohhh yeah! [bottom panel]"

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