Someone call Al Gore
I was momentarily confused about today's strip (which, honestly, isn't that rare an occurrence) because I had thought that Don Downer was speaking at some sort of luncheon and honestly don't see anything odd about him ending with pleasantries. Though I did find the people's expressions a bit odd, in that situation.
Upon rereading, though, it becomes important to know what kind of tone he's using. If he's sarcastic, then it makes perfect sense. Or even sad, depressed. Tone matters, and you can't get it from this strip. I still do find the others' expressions a bit odd; I imagine they all know what this guy is like, so most people would probably just ignore him.
And what is this "earth warming" I keep hearing about?
Labels: annoying talkers
Someone should tell Scaduto that "hackneyed cliche" is redundant. I'd do it myself , but I don't want to end up in a TDIET panel...
Whyizzit? The guy who paid attention in English class thinks he's being helpful...
(me) Excuse me, Mr. Scaduto, but you seem to have made a common grammar mistake in your cartoon.
10 seconds later--it goes something like this. Oh, Yeah-h...
(Scaduto with "urge to kill" throwing pencils, books) Wha? Why you young whipper snapper! Think you're better than the hoi polloi, do ya? Why, I oughta, etc., etc., yap-yap-yap and yadda-yap ad nauseum...
You should have an "earth warming" tag.
"Hackneyed cliche" is an example of a pleonasm. My favorite pleonasm is "religious fanatic."
So anyway, the other day I'm at this cocktail party, and this guy is standing there, and just saying phrases like, "war," "high interest rates," "crime", "earth warming," "corruption," and so forth. After about ten minutes of this, he walks out of the party while saying, "have a nice day!"
Tomorrow I am throwing an Earth Warming Party. Oh, yeah-h.
"Religious fanatic" isn't a plenasm. Being a fanatic doesn't mean you're religious and being religious doesn't mean your fanatical.
I don't even get how this is a hackneyed cliche. I don't often see people doing this, or read bad fiction that incorporates this motif in it.
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