Wednesday, December 20, 2006

I am honestly going to smack Scaduto into next week

Honestly, as soon as I got to the word "bossette" in today's strip, I stopped and had to take a few deep breaths. I mean, good Lord. "Bossette"? Really? And bossette of the file room, no less. Seriously, Scaduto's disdain for women manages to generally hide itself behind the normal idiocy of the strip, but every now and then it comes out. And it really pisses me off. I can cope with everything else in the strip looking like it's from the 1960s (Mr. Honcho smoking a cigar in the file room?), but that attitude makes me want to force Scaduto to learn about the women's movement, you know? The thing is, I don't think he's making any sort of statement about women in the workplace and how they're incompetent at home--I really doubt he's wading into the culture war of moms working outside the home vs. stay-at-home moms. But that doesn't make the underlying message of this strip any better.

(I'm not even going to dignify "mucho quicko" with a response.)

And really, why should Migraina be the one to be in charge of dealing with the tax receipts if her asshat husband who is swearing at her is the one who actually does the taxes. Honestly.

Two other notes: I do like the name McFoogus. And I'm trying to figure out what that is on top of the filing cabinet. Any suggestions would be welcome.

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At 11:58 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Looks like books, with maybe an old fashioned glue pot? *shrug*

At 10:45 PM, Blogger Frankie Machine said...

Scaduto seriously needs a beatdown.
I hate how he refers to saying "Where did you put our tax receipts folder? @*%!!#!!" as "asking."
When you "ask" a waiter for more coffee, do you say "Where's my coffee? @*%!!#!!"?
No, you don't. If you did, you'd be a @*%!!#!! with two black eyes.
I live in Minneapolis, and I'm going to track down this "R. Geltner" of St. Paul, and see if he or she really agrees with the misogynistic spin Scaduto has put on his or her idea.

At 3:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm betting it's Mrs. Scaduto who wears the pants in that family. Old Al jumps when "bossette" tells him to move his fat ass off the sofa and find the remote!

At 5:57 PM, Blogger Minivet said...

I bet the glue is for binding the older files into volumes for storage.

At 12:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi my fellow haters of tdiet

At 9:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

After several months of reading TDIET, I finally found a strip I can relate to.

My desk at work is all of 8 square feet, and I can easily keep it organized. But my house is a hundred times larger, and I can't keep organized to save my life.

Regardless, I am deeply, deeply ashamed.

At 3:48 PM, Blogger Louise said...

I love how you called the husband "asshat." Made me laugh!


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