Thursday, September 07, 2006

Screw you, Hettie

Holy crap! Today's strip is simply unbelievable. We are supposed to hate Miss Hettie Hewline, right? Right? What kind of crap teacher reams out a student like that? At first I was going to add, "in front of the whole class" to that, but no. No decent teacher would actually say that to a student's face. Good Lord. If you think a student is an idiot who's going to wind up living in a van down by the river, you complain to your mate or friends or family (and I have friends and family who are teachers, so yeah, I've heard complaints, but nothing anywhere close to this). You don't say it to his or her face! Geez! Because that will help. Although I'm hopeful this kid will be all, "Screw you, Miss Hewline!" and become the CEO of a major corporation. And she even has a child! Agh!

Seriously, this woman gets no sympathy. She is horrible. I'm so upset I can't even rail against the various other things in the strip that make no sense. (Like, the premise of it.) I'm going to try to forget that I ever read this.


At 2:37 PM, Blogger DaveyK said...

What's absolutely idiotic about this is that the same basic story could have been told with the teacher telling the child "I can tell you're going to be successful" because all that is needed in the setup is the implication that she believes herself an impeccable judge of character.

I might try to imagine what the original email message to Scaduto said, because in this case I am certain he mangled the poor reader's intent. However it only serves them right for writing to him in the first place.

At 8:44 PM, Blogger Minivet said...

So what, Scaduto thinks he's illuminating some kind of hypocrisy? It's all perfectly consistent. Hetty is trapped in a loveless marriage, not divorcing her no-good leech of a husband because it's 1950, tortured every second by the countless mistakes she's made, tying her hair back tighter every day in lieu of looping the noose. Of course she's going to compulsively attribute her husband's faults to everyone she meets! Thanks to projection, she walks through a hall of mirrors, seeing nothing but the tragedy of her own life wherever she turns.

Oh yeah!

At 7:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, I had a teacher tell me something like that once.
Turns out he was right though...

At 1:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps the child in the top is a young Bruce Tinsley!

At 5:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

minivet...that is beautiful.

At 9:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My high school guidance counsellor told me flat out I'd flunk out if I went to college and then law school. She wasn't trying reverse psychology to encourage me, she was just a nasty, bitter old pill. And she was wrong too, looking back on 25 years of successful practice. Dried up old fool.

At 11:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of my high school teachers told me that I "wasn't very bright and wouldn't amount to much," but I think he was kidding.

At 9:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Soft touch?


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