Monday, September 04, 2006

Avoiding the laborious

Today's strip: People are hypocrites. But at least it didn't include another indictment of the medical profession. Also, wasn't Balto a husky? Or a German shepherd?

I already have a headache, so I'm refusing to put any more thought into today's strip.


At 6:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please note the Rockville location ... again!

At 6:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some say he was a husky, some say he was half-wolf. He certainly wasn't a German Shepherd (they aren't sled dogs)

At 11:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't really get the complaint in this strip. Smoking while outside doesn't invalidate the point that fresh air is good for you. Smoking outside's gotta be alot better for you than smoking inside. For one thing, you don't get the smoke just hanging around, it dissipates into the air. And he is exercising, rather than sitting down smoking.

So basically the comic seems to be saying "If you're going to smoke, you may as well not do anything healthy at all. Smoking invalidates every healthy thing you do, so you may as well stock up on burgers and never leave the couch."

At 2:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting to note, the cobwebs hanging from Lugbutt. I guess it's supposed to be indicative of the ammount of time he's spent in inactivity, but then the text goes and contradicts it with stating that it's only his third "ciggy".
Not to mention that the cobweb goes from his hand all the way to the fence in the background, that's a huuge cobweb. (And how does he smoke? Does he hold his hand perfectly still and bend his neck over to the cig? No, there's a cobweb on the back of his head as well. This is puzzling indeed.
The dog seems to just have arrived also, he's still sniffing the hydrant.
No wonder the guy on the other side of the fence seems puzzled, he must have just watched some kind of weird time-warp wormhole thingy take place!


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