Monday, August 28, 2006

Chair + pillow = comfy

Grandma's expression in the top panel of today's strip is an illustration of one of the things that annoys me most about TDIET: People in the background whose expressions make no sense. She has a look of shock or surprise on her face. Why? If Grandpa's exaggerating (which I'm sure he is), she's probably used to it. I have no doubt that he's told this kind of story before. And geez, I'm 27 and pull the, "In my day, I had to walk 10 miles to school, in the snow, up-hill both ways." Does anybody not do that?

Grandpa's excuses in the bottom panel are a bit nuts ("Won't they deliver?" I guess there are grocery delivery services, but they usually have a minimum charge), but really...he's not a kid anymore. I have no idea how old he is, but I'm not about to get on a guy's case for not wanting to walk down to the store to buy some milk. He could just drive down, I supposed, but we're supposed to be all, "When he was young, he walked a lot! Why won't he now?" This isn't some youngish, 50-something grandpa; he looks pretty old (seriously, his name is "Croaker"). I'm not going to begrudge him an afternoon to sit and watch his stories. Though he should get the milk for his wife.

LOVE the picture on the tv; that doctor is just asking for a sexual harassment suit.


At 2:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grandma should walk her own self down the store THIS time, but make a mental note to make this request of Croaker the next time he's lecturing the grandkids about the health benefits of getting off your ass.

At 7:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

He walked when he was young. Now he's old and tired. Get off his case.

I mean, he's old now. If a 90-year-old WW2 vet thinks military service is good for young men's character, you wouldn't say OMG WHY DON'T YOU GO TO IRAQ THEN, because 1, he already did go to war (and a far worse one than Iraq), and 2, he's old now and expectations are different for the young and the old.

The old guy walked everywhere when he was young and able. He thinks everyone should walk. Now he's old and tired and doesn't like walking any more, but still thinks walking is good for young people.

There's just...nothing funny or hypocritical here.


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