Thursday, August 31, 2006

Doesn't make me wonder how good is TDIET

Not suprisingly, there are many things about today's strip that annoy me.

1. It is no longer the first half of the 20th century, Al. Movie posters these days no longer say things like, "The greatest movie ever produced!" They did at one point, I admit. I love looking at posters for old movies because of that. But nowadays, the closest you'll come is, "The summer's comedy sensation!"

2. If you're dumb enough to fall for what the movie poster tells you, I can only pity you. You shouldn't go to the theater all, "What should we see? Well, this movie's poster says it's good, so clearly it is. Let's check it out!"

3. No movie has a trailer that includes "Next week." It's the 2000s, Al, not the 1950s. Movies don't change every week. At the very least you could've put "Coming soon" to make it somewhat better.

4. "The movie poster says thus..." Thus? Are you kidding me? Just get rid of it altogether and simply have "The movie poster says..." It makes more sense that way! Geez. Also, "ultraest." Kill me now.

5. Don't believe advertising, particularly when it's just a poster for a movie. Make up your own mind. Read the reviews. Listen to what your friends/family/coworkers recommend.

6. "Enough to make you wonder how good is good." I don't understand. Watch the movie, yo. If you like it, great. If not, well, you were an idiot in making this decision based on the poster alone. That's why there are trailers.


At 2:45 PM, Blogger B said...

Maybe if we all bitch enough Scaduto will pull a Uwe Boll and challenge 10 of his harshest critics to a boxing match. I bet you could totally kick his ass, Barb.

At 3:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who goes into a movie theater on a whim anyway? Is this from the days of the nickolodeon, when movies were 10 minutes long at most?

On the subject of "thus", "thunk", etc: My theory is that Al Scaduto is actually a New Zealander. This could explain both the time warp, and the funny pronunciation...

At 7:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can't tell me you don't love the breaking of the 4th wall. I love it when Al pulls out all the stops and has the character look directly at the reader. You can almost hear Scaduto, "Isn't this situation ridiculous? Can you now understand how much all the people in this world annoy and upset me? I'm not crazy- the whole world is crazy and I'm the only one who's sane!"

Err maybe not, but you gotta admit it's the ultraest!

At 8:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scaduto sounds like a word he'd make up for this lousy excuse for a comic strip. Like "soopermarket" or "ultraest," the "Scaduto" lives in a horrible fantasy world composed entirely of the most hideous remnants of the era 1947-1962. Oh yeah!

At 8:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the fact that the pop-up ad (for The Economist) which appears when you read the comic itself says, "Arguably the most important magazine in the world."

At 12:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In college, my roommate and I overheard a lady at the supermarket--excuse me, the soopermarket--say to her companion in all seriousness, "I'm going to get some strawberries--the ad says they're juicy and delicious." We had to run to the next aisle so she didn't hear us laughing our butts off.

I suspect she's one of those tools who really enjoys TDIET.


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