Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The edge of a smackdown

I'm trying to focus on the content of today's strip, I swear, but my eyes keep going back to whatever Leadbutt is watching on tv. Is it cricket? The "uniform" is totally throwing me off. Fishnets with a knee pad, a t-shirt, a fanny pack (that looks like it has pouches in the front and the back), a baseball cap, and batting gloves. Scaduto, if you're trying to convey baseball, it ain't workin'. It also looks like the batter is holding the bat over his head; maybe he struck out and is about to throw the bat down in disgust? And...fishnets? Really?

Moving on. OK, to the "Quite a number of wives all over U.S.A.": If your husband tries to pull that crap on you, just say no. I might be willing to go so far as to grab him an apple, but he's more than capable of doing the rest. It reminds me of that horrible frozen pizza commercial, where the husband is, for some reason, watching television outside with his friends, and calls his wife to "order" a pizza. And she, for some reason, actually brings it to him. Spraying him with the hose isn't proper retribution. Just don't bring him the pizza!

I don't know. Maybe I'm just a wacky feminist with crazy notions of how a marriage should and should not work. But I'm certainly not planning on allowing my future husband pull any of this crap.

And why is "They'll do it every time" a postscript? (Perhaps to annoy Martin?) And why is this "Living on the edge"? Maybe by "the edge," Scaduto is implying that the wife is going to put cyanide in the sardine sandwich.

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At 9:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought Scaduto was living in the 50s, but now I think he's from another planet. The gastric monstrosity of a sandwitch, combined with cheesecake and green tea is just bizzarre. Combine that with the artist's rendering of what he thinks "bases ball" looks like, and it's clearly the work of somebody with only a curosry knowledge of American culture.

At 9:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the fishnets and knee pads you're seeing are actually Leadbutt's socks, which partially obscure the TV.

At 10:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's some blank space left over, Scaduto!! Couldn't you have explained the "joke" in a little more detail, or added some more stammering, or at least thrown in a trademark "Oh, yeah!"?

At 10:55 AM, Blogger Barb said...

smidge, you're right, those are his socks. So it makes the outfit more logical. The stance is still all wrong, though.

At 4:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

O.K., we have established that the fishnets in question are actually Leadbutt's stockings. But still, look at how that baseball bat is being held. That's how a cricket batsman would hold his bat after swinging at a low ball to protect the wicket. But clearly, that's a baseball bat, not a cricket bat. Oh, the incongruence! And by the way, just who is "living on the edge"? Is it Leadbutt, or his wife? Or both?

At 5:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That PS did piss me off when I eventually go to it. I'd like to think I'm not dumb but I had to spend about 5 minutes trying to figure out the correct order to read all the speech bubbles. Maybe one big arrow showing the correct path to read would have helped.

At 9:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A grilled sardine sandwich with "lotsa onions" and chili peppers? Ewwww, gross.


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