Saturday, July 08, 2006

He's gonna be in grad school forever with a name like that

I'm started to get really ticked off with the names Scaduto is giving the subjects in the strip. I mean, Student Buttbrain in today's strip? Buttbrain? Really?

Anyway, I've never seen a situation like this. Ever. If someone comes out of an exam convinced they've failed, they're usually pleased with a decent grade. I can only assume that Mr. Buttbrain looked over his exam and noticed that he should've gotten a few more points on a question or two, thus bumping his grade from a B+ to an A-.

My other question is whether the exam was proctored by a substitute or what, because in the top panel, it looks like they're coming out of a classroom with a man in the background. But the teacher giving the tests back is definitely female.

I enjoy that Scaduto felt the need to point out that Student's whining coming out of the exam was verbatim. Thanks, I was worried you were just paraphrasing!


At 1:17 PM, Blogger DaveyK said...

For a strip famed for ejaculatory phrases (Oh yeah!), the "...Right? Right!" at the end of this one is utterly mystifying. Not least because you have to read the first part of the sentence, then switch to the panel, then switch back to read the "Right? Right!" part. Which is hard to do the way it's written.

Plus, it's suggests that no reaction is warranted except emphatic agreement, but, like you, I don't agree that anyone does this. The only kid who did anything close to this was the faux modest A-student who'd come out of the exam moaning about how hard the exam was and how poorly they did, only to get an "A+" on it. I don't think ol' "Buttbrain" qualifies as that student.

Your blog inspired me to do likewise for The Dinette Set which similarly irks me every time I read it!

At 10:59 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

My "lament" about this strip is that this kid really IS a "buttbrain" if he does this every time. You would think after the few tests which he thinks he flubbed, he wouldn't worry so much about the post-test letdown. He'd think "Well, I think I did poorly. But I think that after every test and it turns out okay. Who's up for a beer and harmless flirtations at the old college watering hole?" But no, he is surprised at his higher-than-expected grade EVERY time. EVERY time.


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