Saturday, July 01, 2006

I guess the grass ain't greener

I guess the "they" in "They'll Do It Every Time" refers mainly to people who whine, as today's strip once again highlights whiners. The person who suggested it is from Florida, so I'm thinking that this H. Lash just needs to vent about people moving to his neighborhood and saying they miss snow.

What's interesting is the one couple who look so surprised (and is it just me, or does the man who's giving the double-take to the audience look like Hitler--like, he didn't die in that bunker, he moved to Florida?). Did they know the Foghorns back in Frostville? If not, why are they so surprised?

Question: Anyone have any ideas about what the guy walking up to the table is holding?


At 10:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My guess is that the surprised people are supposed to be representative of the readers of the comic who, apparently, the author thinks are a bunch of idiots. It looks like the man with the glass is the host of this little party and is bringing someone a beer. Do people still wear jackets and ties when going to someone's house? My parents don't and they're in their 50's.

At 6:26 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

There's definitely an underhanded slight by Mr. Foghorn, who seems to be saying he misses the people back home because his current neighbors leave much to be desired.

At 8:35 PM, Blogger Danulai said...

The guy walking up to the table is holding a glass of whiskey. A big, big glass of whiskey. He needs it to ease the pain of being in this crappy comic strip.

At 12:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The guy bringing the glass to the table is just late for the Foghorns' urinalysis party.


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