Thursday, June 28, 2007

Make your own calls, dude

Sorry about the belated, life, etc., etc.

I'd like yesterday's strip a lot more if it reflected my life--I was totally with Al in the top panel. Sick on weekend? Check. It only lasting a day? Check. I always seem to get sick on the weekend, but be well enough to go to work. He lost me in the bottom panel. I cannot imagine calling in sick on a Monday and saying that I wouldn't be back until Wednesday or Thursday unless I was in the hospital or something. And I cannot imagine calling in sick for my husband if he were just lying in bed, talking to me. Good God. And who would say "72-hour virus"? Also, it's "sniff," not "snif." Clearly Dragbutt hasn't learned the art of the mental health day.

Today's strip takes us into the world of Catastra and Wimpo's dining preparation. What's really scary is Wimpo's "U-ulp!" at the end of his dialogue bubble. He's clearly frightened of Catastra. I don't particularly blame him; she's scary. At least the dinner sounds decent--roast, potatoes, garlic. There's no bad there. No squid, either. Really, Cat should just say that she's tired, period. She's trying to get sympathy from someone who clearly won't give it (understandably). What's particularly confusing is that it looks like the kitchen is totally clean. I'm trying to figure out whether Wimpo is unrolling his sleeves, signifying that he also cleaned up. Then why would Cat have been in the kitchen? Just telling him how to clean? It's a mystery.

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At 10:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And what's with "fini"? Nobody in the history of history has ever uttered such a word, I'm sure--not even in Al's sad little backwater corner of the 50's that exists in his addled brain.


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