Friday, February 09, 2007

Patience is a virtue, Frank

I admit that most of the time, I don't even notice the "Oh-h-h yeah!" that Al generally throws into the strips. But in today's strip, I just couldn't ignore it. And it made me laugh. It's such a cliche for him to throw it in totally randomly. I think that's why I loved it.

Also awesome is that there's really so little to this strip. I mean, look at the acknowledgement box. It's ginormous! And instead of the usual "Thanx to" we get a huge "So sez."

I can get behind the general concept here, but not the way it's drawn. Four people lined up isn't good, but what's odd is that there aren't any other lanes open. I guess it's a fairly quiet time of day. And it looks like Dragbutt there was herding carts, which also needs to be done. I can get as impatient as the next person when it comes to waiting in line, but usually I can see that it's because there aren't any available employees.

And it doesn't even really look like the women in line are that impatient (and isn't it nice that is't only women? Because men obviously don't go to the supermarket) (although I'm happy he called it a "supermarket" not a "soopermarket"). None look happy, but the women at the front of the line has the same general expression as the rest.

The manager should also know that it's totally unprofessional to chew out an employee in front of the customers like that, too. Really, a simple, "Hey, Dragbutt, the line's getting long; go open another register" would've sufficed.

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At 1:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ack, it's one of those things we'll never see, but they somehow do it every time. I'm really confused!

At 2:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want a green vest that says "MGR." on it. Not the word "manager", but that particular three-letter abbreviation.

I also enjoy how many people in Al's world have the habit of wearing bow ties. Maybe even including TV repairmen if I remember correctly.

At 9:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And how 'bout the "clash of the ages" technology? If I'm deciphering the drawings right, there are card readers/PIN input devices next to the old-fashioned, scanner-free cash registers?! And I've gotta wonder what's on sale for 99 cents in this time-jumbled grocery...

At 9:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, and strangely enough, this is something that they actually do every time at my local grocery! And still I gripe: if I'm already in line, I don't always want to wheel over to a distant aisle, but when the cashier yells "I'll take you over here, sir!", I feel obligated. I'd often rather say "Oh, don't bother, I'm in no hurry, and my prescriptions won't be ready at the pharmacy department for another few minutes anyway."

At 11:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been a cashier. I have met several elderly customers that say nothing but phrases from TDIET.

It does not cease to creep me out.

At 5:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been a cashier, too. Instead of hearing about how people didn't get their 10 cent discount on mayonnaise, sometimes you want to just say "here's a dollar. Please shut up."


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