Another twofer
Apologies for another life just gets away from me sometimes.
It makes me sad that Al never seems to do any holiday strip. I have to believe that people have foibles related to holidays. Unless we assume that in yesterday's strip, the couple is going out to a nice Valentine's Day dinner. But really, M. Hariton, this is why we have Tivo or a DVR or even a VCR. Love how the husband actually swears about all these shows being on at the same time. My big question, though, is the "Only an old movie on at 2 a.m." almost makes it seems like there's literally nothing on tv, not just anything good. I will give credit for the feast vs. famine thing. Somewhat clever. Good job.
In today's strip, after reading just Loopina's dialogue, I got annoyed with her. I think it's the hand wave. And then I read the mother's dialogue. Good God. Talk about your overreactions. Of course, judging from her her freakout in the bottom panel, this seems to be common. And at least in the bottom panel, Mom appears to be whispering; it's obvious in the top panel that whoever's calling can hear every word being said. And now I'm curious about why Loopina doesn't want any calls. Hmm. Anyway. People are hypocritical! Shocking. I do like "The phone was on the other ear," though.
Labels: Loopina, Migraina, phones, television
I guess it's the hang-dog attitude of the TDIETers that bothers me the most. It's always,"Just our luck" or "Wouldn't you know," as though the day's petty grievance were actually even worth noting. It's actually become integral to the American mindset. "Oh, poor us, there's two television programs being shown at the same time when we're going out to dinner." Makes the victims of the Dresden firebombing or the African famines seem like whiners, huh?
I'm guessing the television couple don't have cable or satellite or anything like that. Either that, or they have very specific tastes that only a few channels cater to.
I like to wonder about what kind of prescription pills those could be; flying off in the bottom panel.
Could be stamps or bandages...
And how nice is that neither covers the voice part of the phone to make sure whoever's on the other side hears their refusals well.
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