Tuesday, November 21, 2006

An argument for ordering take-out

Strangely enough, I actually let out a "Heh" in reaction to today's strip. Although, looking at it now, I'm not sure why. (Maybe I'm just easily amused when I first get to work.)

The thing here is that neither of the players in this strip--the father or the phone lady--is right. The dad needs to get his kids in check (and not be such a jerk to the phone lady), but just because you have a couple of obnoxious kids at the next table doesn't make it acceptable to talk on a cell phone in a restaurant. (If you have to take a call, excuse yourself and go to the lobby.) Two wrongs do not make a right.

What really intrigues me here is the obnoxious son. Look at his hair! That is the hair of a Bad Kid. Now Al needs to figure out a way to give little girls Bad Kid hair. And, you know, not have their faces be identical to adults' faces.

I'd also like everyone to check out the cell phone the Phone Lady has. It's the size of her head. Not quite a Zack Morris phone, but it's pretty big.

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At 1:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why isn't it acceptable to talk on the phone in a restaurant? It's not like a theater where conversation is prohibited. The only person she's being rude to is the unpictured people at her table

At 8:10 PM, Blogger Marion Delgado said...

Unless you talk MUCH LOUDER on the phone, as many do, I agree with Brian.

At 8:31 PM, Blogger BluelineGoddess said...

Add a third, and I actually detest the use of cell phones in most public places (actually, not so much the conversations as the wildly retarded ringtones everyone and their brother has, which are way more annoying than any conversation. My cell is always on silent mode, and I never miss a call.). I'm most concerned about the waiter who appears to have turned his head around a full 180 degrees to watch the kids (as if anyone needs to see them being obnoxious).

At 11:34 PM, Blogger Scanman said...

What's the deal in the way they hold their phones in the strip? How could they possibly converse with the phone so far away from their face?


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