Monday, November 13, 2006

Do that many restaurants close between lunch and dinner?

Wow. Today's strip marks the second retirement-focused strip in less than a week. I assume that we're supposed to shake our heads at Barfwell. Always late for dinner! You'd think that after a while, his wife would realize this and perhaps push dinner back. And why not be annoyed with him? It's not like it's his job that provides money to pay for the food. It's not like he can't tell how long his commute will take--because both driving and public transportation are so predictable! The solution would be to do what my dad does; namely, he calls my mom when he's leaving so she has an idea of when he'll be home.

And wow, he got there before the early bird dinner? What time is it--2:30? Maybe he's not going for dinner; maybe it's a late lunch. Mid-afternoon snack? And now he can be early because he doesn't have to work. It sure doesn't look like he was willfully coming home late for dinner, just to spite his wife. Plus, he's saving money! Everyone wins!

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At 3:30 PM, Blogger Marc P. said...

When I saw this strip talk about Early Bird, I knew it was realting to Florida. And the fact that Al makes this cartoon, exemplifies the stereotype us Jews are trying to shake. Well Norman Schwartz from Boynton, a very nice area of Florida which we frequent, loves stereotypes apparently...

At 5:51 PM, Blogger Chance said...

It's not Jewish; Barfwell is a respectable Anglo-Saxon name dating back generations.

OK, not really.

barb, why don't you do the Sunday strips? Is it because you need a day off from the ceaseless mediocrity?

At 8:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apparently Barfwell retired at an early age. I guess all those late nights were worth it, ruined dinners or no.

At 12:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Barfwell wasn't working late. He was having an affair.

Now that he's retired, he has to take his wife to dinner early so he can take his mistress out later that evening.


At 1:52 PM, Blogger Barb said...

chance, I don't do Sunday strips partly to get a day off, and partly because I only access this online, and both the Seattle and Houston papers' online versions come up really small, to the point where I can't make out what's going on in the 50 tiny panels.


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