Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Nice slang, "dude"

I'll give Al some credit for today's strip, as this is a situation that pretty much most people have had to deal with, maybe even going so far as to say every time they attend a family gathering. Why Al seems to think this is only something boys have to deal with is beyond me, as it's not at all related to gender--merely age.

I'm also not sure why Aunt Rotunda (...) has to be big. The usual scenario is just some older relative who insists on giving big hugs and kisses to the numerous kids of the family. And usually winds up with the kid having lipstick smeared across his or her cheek. Again, I usually see this not as an issue of weight, but as one of age.

And most kids manage to not look quite so horrified. At least by the time they've reached the age the boys in the strip have. Did their parents never teach them manners?

So while Scaduto kind of gets it right this time (which is shocking and commendable), he also gets it wrong. But it's progress!

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At 2:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like Aunt Rotunda has a giagantic fart cloud behind her. No wonder Hekkie doesn't want to hug her.

At 3:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any major dude'll tell you... every time! Oh, yeah-h-h-h-h...

At 5:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, I think this is the first time I've seen identical twins in TDIET...they even wear the same backwards caps (and seriously, has *any* fashion ever lasted as long as backwards baseball caps? Give it a break already! Oh, yeah!)

At 2:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm still emotionally scarred from my own family's Aunt Rotundas, at least the Uncle Rotundas knew it was socially unaceptable and did it in private.


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