Wednesday, September 20, 2006

I guess it does sort of qualify as something they'll do every time

In today's strip, Scaduto informs us of the fact that sometimes people buy exercise equipment, and then they don't use it! My God! What a new and completely original idea! You can hear the thousands of people across the country reading this, chuckling to themselves and saying, "You know? He is so right!" I'd be surprised that only one person is credited with the idea, except that I realized the only one person bothered submitting it because everyone else has accepted it as fact.

Love Migraina covered with cobwebs in the background of the second panel. Hey, at least she's reading in a position that she theoretically could've maintained for a decent amount of time, unlike the jogger in a previous strip that I can't seem to find at the moment. Although I do think that holding the newspaper in that one position for a lengthy period of time would be tiring.

I'm going to ignore the "Living on the Edge," which again makes no sense in this situation.

But hey, those treadmills are really handy to hang things on.


At 3:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This man is so upset about the treadmill having shit on it, he doesn't even notice that his wife has been dead in her armchair for months. What a sad story. I wonder if he'll go to jail.

At 5:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please use the influence that I'm sure you have with the TDIET higher-ups to find out what qualifies a strip for "Living on the Edge" designation.

I've always been led to believe that one lived on the edge when he or she climbed Mt. Everest, attached transmitters to sharks and studied their habits, became a war correspondent, or engaged in some similar high-risk activity.

However, living on the edge in the TDIET-o-verse appears to involve buying exercise equipment and not using it, or for that matter, being, or being married to a person named, Migraina.

What's the standard? Does a TDIET person live on the edge by not wearing a tie to the movies, or ordering pizza with more than two toppings, or going 6 mph over the posted limit? Are there subtle gradations? Or does "Living on the Edge" mean that long married TDIET-ers who hate each other, and whose lives have devolved into doing it to each other every time, do it to one another in some way that risks being killed by the other person in some desperately horrible way?

I really want to know.

At 5:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I checked. The last time someone lived on the edge in TDIET-ville was August 24, when Elpeena's hubby "blows his turret" upon being served sandwiches for dinner. However, when a properly chastened Elpeena serves him "nice corned beef and cabbage", he says "Oh, yeah [as TDIETers must do about 150 times a day], I like to eat corned beef between two slices of bread."

I'll look into this, but it appears that "living on the edge" is TDIET-ese for "incidents from a joyless, hate-riddled marriage."

At 6:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Housekeeper? Wife? You mean those are separate jobs?

Oh, yeah!


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