Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The good OLD days

Re: today's strip: Yes, that does make you old. Not "getting old"--already old. Very old. I mean, a corsage for a first date? That might be in the ice box? And yet, I feel like back then, he would've been picking up Elsie at, say, 4 or 5, not 8.

And d'ya notice that the kid's mother in the flashback looks exactly the same as every other woman Scaduto draws--women that are supposed to be contemporary? And that the kid in the flashback looks more modern than the kid with the Prince Valiant haircut in the present?

Although I am a bit in love with the kids in the present. Particularly the one rolling his eyes and thinking "Good?" Hee.

Anyway, any guesses on how old this guy is who's having the flashback? I want to say 70s or 80s.


At 2:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The clues are mixed - the "icebox" reference, as well as the kid calling his father "Pop", and the whole corsage business points towards the guy being in his eighties, but the reference to penny loafers would make him a little younger. Conversely, his injunction to his mother to put a really sharp crease in his "long pants" indicates that he usually wears short pants (i.e., knickerbockers) which dates the flashback to about 1925, thereby making the guy 90-something.

What this proves is that the TDIET-o-verse is a bizarre netherworld that's sort of like the mummy hall at the British Museum - things are different ages, but everything's really freakin' old.

At 5:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there even a joke in this comic?

At 12:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least it's slightly modern with
the "I'm outta here!"

At 6:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess it would make sense if there were, oh, say, "this is how kids dated then, this is how they date now". But Scaduto obviously wrote himself into a corner because he has no freakin idea how kids date now.


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