Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Newsflash: Doctors are busy

Today's strip is yet another one in the medical world. Huzzah. Nothing makes me happier. I mean, I realize that the people who submit ideas for this strips are either (a) doing it ironically or (b) 100 years old. Medical strips are bound to happen. But still. I sighed as soon as I saw the doctor.

Look, I realize that it's an issue that doctors don't spend enough time with their patients. Really, it falls on the patient's shoulders to make the doctor spend time with him or her. And "Just an Observation"? Those forms you fill out with your medical history, etc.? It's possible that the doctor looks that over before going in to see you. It's not like it's wasted time. (I have to tell myself this, as I'm switching doctors, so I have one of these epic forms to fill out.)

Anyway. Look, if you have something you want to talk to your doctor about, bring it up. Pretty much ever doctor I've dealt with has been fairly brisk--not unfriendly, but clearly not dawdling. However, they pretty much all have asked if I have any questions or anything I want to bring up.

Of course, I'm really not sure about this patient. Those forms are really only things you do the first time you go to the doctor (except the insurance card; some offices photocopy them each visit), and I would expect to spend a little time with the doctor on my initial visit. What's really throwing me off is the doctor saying that he'll see the patient "next month." Dang. Who goes to the doctor that much?



At 2:51 PM, Blogger Kaitlyn said...

I had one doctor who had his hand on the door during one visit - but he disagreed with a specialist - a GYN doctor who was a woman, and I think he was pissed.

My current doctor (Dr. Feelgood!) has no idea when I'll be better and the only way to confirm if it is X is to open me up again, and opening me up is what caused a lot of problems in the first place. *sigh and such*

Yes, the time you spend with the doctor is always much shorter than time you satin the waiting room. So? Bring a book, read the paper, it's a way of life.

He never rushes us, he always listens, and he trusted my judgement - over the phone! - hopefully stopping the phantom knives from stabbing me a thousand times when I wake up.

My doctor appointments have always been short when compared to the wait. But only one rushed out, and he was pissy because we disagreed with him and he was THE DOCTOR. Even another doctor at the same clinic (it's so cool having your primary doc be at a clinic, you can see anyone there - for piddly things like the flu or broken bones - trust me, those are piddly to me.) who would not touch me because she'd never seen me before (I came in saying I'd had a horrid stomach bug, could it have affected the absorption of my medicine?) and refused to do anything. I think my record there weighs 3 pounds.

But no, they never rush you.

And I understand why the long wait, now that I've seen the other side. I work in the front room at a Crisis Center (financial doctor, mostly, it's complex). We are worse than doctor's offices, we can't give a definite time of when you'll be seen. "Show up after nine and before one and you'll be seen, but you'll probably have to wait."


There is only one person(doctor) there who can help you and decide if you need XYZ.

This takes time, and involves calls to landlords or businesses, or who knows what.

I tell people, if she has a set time limit for everyone, that applies to you as well and you might not get everything done. Siddown, you'll be seen today, I promise.

That's it - if they have a set time and keep to that schedule, you might not get all the care and attention you need.

At 2:53 PM, Blogger Kaitlyn said...

And, can I ask you something?

I made a blog in the same vein as yours, only this time about the comic Pluggers.

Could you link to me, please?


At 7:56 PM, Blogger Kaitlyn said...

I go 2-3 times a month, but I'm a sick, sick person - not contagious, thankfully.

My sister's the oddity - she only goes like once every 6 months, unless her bronchitis acts up.

Thank you so much for the link barb!

At 11:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You probably saw it already, but if not,
Sakurai posted a prety good TDIET strip at The Comics Curmudgeon :)

For my doc/hospital visit
there was a body outline on a sheet of paper where I'd mark any degree of pain from these little symbols.
The first dentist visit had 3 sheets
of questions like family history, smoking habits and stuff; but I only filled in the name parts.


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