Doctor Cutup would be a surgeon, wouldn't he?
There are some questions I have about today's strip: Is the surgery elective or not? Is surgery actually elective if you know you have to get it done eventually? Why does a doctor need to come in if he's on vacation to do a surgery, unless it's some rare surgery that only he knows how to do? And if that's the case, is that surgery something that would really be optional for a while? I admit that most of my knowledge in this area comes from the early days of ER and Grey's Anatomy, so I'm hardly an expert, but something about this just doesn't seem to add up.
I would like to point out that the doctor is taking a staycation, which is very "in" for 2008.
I think Al meant "preventive" surgery, rather than "elective". That's probably something a lot of patients really *do* do every time. "The old ticker hasn't failed me yet, so why should I let you put a stent in it?"
I thought of the appendix or tonsils. I know somebody who had her tonsils removed to help with her sinus problems.
So Fignewt's got major sinus issues most of the year, removing his tonsils may help, but nope!
Then wham! Tonsillitis.
I second the question of why that specific doctor. If it's an emergency, there should be more than one surgeon available.
Another option - mole removal! Doc doesn't like the looks of it, but it's not cancerous yet.
Then a routine bloodtest, and wham! Cancer.
Though the test would've been done by the doc (or his nurse).
Oh me head.
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